2012 APTC Business Meeting Minutes

Saturday, March 10th, 10:45 am to 12:00 p.m.

Hotel Solamar, Solstice AB

San Diego, CA


In Attendance: Arnold Ables, Colleen Byrne, Yvette Caro, Tony Cellucci, Chun-Chung Choi, Mary Jo Coiro, Mary Alice Conroy, Lee Cooper, Shannon Couture, Randall Cox, Scott DeBerard, Polly Dunn, Carissa Dwiwardani, Marian Edelbrock, Kevin Everhart,  Corey Fagan, Leticia Flores, Karen Fondacaro, Lisa Frey, Phyllis Terry Friedman, Samuel Girguis, Lisa Groth, Cathi Grus, Scott Gufstafson, Bob Hatcher, Kerry Holland, Latrelle Jackson, Michele Kirton, Brian Lewis, Fernand Lubugin, Kelly McDonnell, Cynthia Messina, Don Morgan, Cheryl Munday, Victor Pantesco, Parrish Paul, Patty Petretic, Bill Rae, Patricia Roehling, Hal Rogers, Holiday Rondeau, William Salton, Eric Sauer, Karen Saules, Melodie Shaefer, Lisa Smith, Saneya Tawfik, Michael Taylor, Nicole Taylor,  Jill Waterman, Lorri White, Erica Wise, Stephanie Wood, Heidi Zetzer


Welcome & Overview, Eric Sauer

Liaison Reports

APPIC, Arnie Abels

Central office has relocated from DC to Texas, where Jeff Baker is now the Executive Director

Welcomed APTC members to attend upcoming APPIC annual meeting, April 26-28, in Tempe, AZ

Noted that APPIC Board is very concerned about internship Match issues.  They are continuing efforts to mentor development of APPIC internships and foster sites’ abilities to turn them into APA-accredited sites

TEPP and the APPIC newsletter both welcome contributions from APTC

APPIC continues to work on improvements to the AAPI and welcomes feedback from APTC.  Liaisons International, developer of the online AAPI, is working on an online system for tracking hours such that they can be automatically imported to the AAPI.

APPIC is tightening up the issue of some sites continuing to request supplemental information from applicants, beyond that requested on the AAPI

APA Education Directorate, Cathi Grus

Cathi thanked APTC and Nadya Fouad for their continued hard work on the competencies benchmarks

 Education & Training for Health Service Psychology is a group from CCTC, BOE, CUDCP and other stakeholders, formed to focus on big picture issues to ensure the proactive vibrancy of the profession. They are (1) drafting a blueprint for how to address major issues, and they will be seeking input; (2) working on a document for comment regarding competencies in Health Service Psychology, which is out for review until early May; (3) reaching out for feedback on a document about meaningfulness of accreditation in Health Services Psychology

BOE formed a virtual working group in response to legislation regarding conscience clauses, which pose a real threat to academic freedom and historic training models.  They are adapting APA policies and trying to be proactive

Regarding the Competencies Benchmarks, BOE has put materials up on the APA website and they are working on an online evaluation system

NCSPP, Fernand Lugubin

Creating a toolkit for assessing outcomes of training programs, including student competencies, program goals/objective, internship performance, etc., and how programs are directly and indirectly supporting versus interfering with student learning.

Their annual conference addressed GLBT advocacy, and they did a MLK Day of Service because the NCSPP conference was held over MLK Day.

2013 Conference theme will be Relationship Competency.  The conference will be held in Nassau, Bahamas.

ACCTA, Glade Ellingson

Maureen Lafferty is the ACCTA President this year

ACCTA 2011 conference theme was Integrating Social Justice Issues

ACCTA appreciates APTC members’ training of the students they later get at their sites

ACCTA is also concerned about the internship imbalance.  They are trying to mentor development of new internships

ACCTA is discussing their response now towards the Health Service Psychology document put forth by APA, hoping for more emphasis on outreach, prevention, advocacy, and multicultural issues

ACCTA 2012 conference will be: 35 Years of Counseling Center Training

Newsletter, Phyllis Terry Friedman

· Articles and other contributions are needed and welcome

Phyllis is working with Colleen on the APTC Facebook page

Liaison Report, Tony Cellucci

Expressed thanks to Bob Hatcher for being our CCTC Liaison, Erica for being our ACCTA Liaison, Eric for Education Leadership, and Jen Schwartz for BOE.  Tony is our liaison to the Society for Clinical Society.

Website and Member Resources, Karen Saules

· Reminded members of dues cycle and consequences of late/non-payment

· Reminded members to log into website to get full access to all member resources, most of which are not available to those who are not logged in

Discussed reasoning behind not moving forward with entirely new website at this stage; would need a subcommittee of dedicated and web-savvy members to realistically pull that off. Also, over time, our current web site has been easier to manage independently, making it more feasible for Karen to carry on without a major overhaul.

Diversity Committee, Randy Cox

· Trying to increase the activity of this committee this year

Nadya noted that revision of APA Multicultural Guidelines will go out for comment this summer, and she encouraged the Diversity Committee to take an active role in that input process.

Treasurer’s Report, Bill Rae

· “We are spending money, but we are not wasting it.”

· APTC is financially strong; we have a balance of about $50K, of which about $6K was from the current year’s revenue.

· Encouraged input on spending decisions

Most expenses are associated with the annual meeting, followed by the TEPP Journal and then Liaisons and Task Forces.

Program Committee, Karen Fondacaro

· Welcomed feedback on the San Diego meeting.  Response from membership was uniformly favorable.

Soliciting input on venue for next year’s meeting.   So far, the options include Coconut Grove (Miami) and Savannah, GA.  We also need suggestions for an appropriate theme for the meeting next year.

Awards, Colleen Byrne

· Colleen presented the Jean Spruill Award to a very surprised Phyllis Terry Friedman and thanked her for steadfast commitment to the mission of APTC for many years