Text Box: Text Box: Text Box: Tony Cellucci shared the CCTC practicum survey; however a caveat was that training clinic directors constituted only a small portion of the respondents.  Bob Hatcher represented the need for ADPTC itself to have updated information from members on such topics as the clinic director’s position, practicum training issues, and service areas including marketing.  It was decided that a brief ADPTC survey with a rotating emphasis might be useful.

A final topic was the possibility of a Mid-Year meeting in 2001.  The idea of a continuing education topic (e.g., clinical supervision, crisis management) along with new ADPTC directions was endorsed.  Possible locations were also discussed with further input to be solicited from the listserve.  It was also suggested that next year’s pre-APA Convention workshop focus on the broader topic of how practicum training in clinics relates to or is integrated with various departmental training models.
Text Box: Future Meeting Plans
Bobbi Volmer  bvollmer@du.edu
Text Box: ADPTC Annual Business Meeting Minutes 
Washington, DC—APA Convention
August 5, 2000

Attendance: Tony Cellucci (Idaho State), Mary Alice Conroy (Sam Houston), Lee Cooper (Virginia Tech), Eva Feindler (Long Island Univ), John Flora-Tostado (Loma Linda Univ), Kim Fuller (Univ of Miami), Bob Hatcher (Univ of Michigan), Rob Heffer (Texas A&M), Dan McNeil (West Virginia), William Rae (Texas A&M), Hal Rogers (visitor), Jean Spruill (Univ of Alabama), Jacquline Wall (Univ of Indianapolis), Susan Zlotlow (COA visitor).

Bob Hatcher (President) chaired the ADPTC Annual Business Meeting at the APA Convention in Washington, DC. After brief introductions, various committee reports of the group’s activities and future plans were provided.  

The Secretary/Treasurer indicated that 117 members have paid dues within the last year.  The account balance was reported as $10,281, excluding expenses associated with this year’s pre-APA Convention workshop.  

Lee Cooper provided a report on the Resource Committee, focusing on the organization’s plan to develop a website.  Executive Committee had approved funds for this purpose. An initial design was approved and feedback given as to layout and possible documents (e.g., membership directory, manual, listserv discussions) that might be included.  Only paid members would have access to the resource portion of the website.  Lee was commended for his efforts.  

John Flora-Tostado spoke about a Division 12 Task Force on the education and training in behavioral emergencies.  The task force is headed by Philip Kleespies.  The Task Force report can be found at www.apa.org/divisions/div12/section7.  The group discussed in-service training needs and resources in this area.  John will continue to investigate and report back to ADPTC.  
The group discussed and approved sending an ADPTC representative to the CUDCUP meetings in January. Both John Flora-Tostado and Bob Hatcher are planning on attending this meeting and could represent us. The drafted “Guidelines for Training Clinics” will be given to both CUDCUP and COA for further comments and discussion.  

Rob Heffer will chair the ADPTC nominating committee.  It was explained that because of Brian Lewis’ departure, the executive committee recommended a special election to elect a president-elect.  The president elect could then work with Dr. Hatcher before assuming the presidency.  Regular nominations for the other officers of ADPTC would take place Spring 2001.  Kim Fuller suggested ADPTC also consider regional representatives.  

Text Box: Secretary/Treasurer’s Report 
Tony Cellucci  cellanth@isu.edu
Text Box: Please watch your email for upcoming information regarding our  August 2001 Pre-APA Convention Workshop in San Francisco.

What issues would you like to see addressed at this full-day workshop?
Who would you like to hear as a presenter (feel free to suggest yourself)?
What other suggestions do you have regarding format, place, dates, and content of future meetings?

If  you have ideas for this day of workshops and/or want to become involved in the planning or programs,  please contact Bobbi Volmer, Ph.D. , Counseling & Educational Services Clinic, University of Denver,  2450 South Vine, #226, Denver, CO 80208, (303) 871-3230, bvollmer@du.edu.