APTC Business Meeting Minutes

March 2, 2013,  Coconut Grove, FL

Prepared by Karen Saules, Ph.D.


  • Colleen Byrne distributed APTC Committees List, Karen has updated on website, but we are now missing Chairs for “Administrative Guidelines” and Policy/Procedures/Planning

  • ACCTA Liaison, Natasha Maynard-Pemba, described ACCTA’s organization, website, and the types of interns they trained last year, which was  a mix of PsyD, Clinial, Counseling, and School Psychology students.  She noted that the mix of “counseling interns” is changing.   She reviewed last year’s conference highlights, including a new mentorship program to help new internships sustain themselves.  She also emphasized importance of APTC (and everyone) giving feedback to CoA on G&P changes.  She noted that the 2013 conference will be in New Orleans, and said she hoped that Tony Cellucci could be the APTC liaison to that meeting. The focus of that meeting will be the internship imbalance.  Natasha is available to consult if APTC members’ students are trying to prepare themselves for careers in counseling centers.

  • APPIC Liaison, Jeff Baker, came in place of Alison Ponce, who just had a baby.  APPIC currently has 710 internship sites (but 200 are not accredited) and 146 post-doc programs. Supply and demand is still a problem.  See Jeff’s article about this online at appic.org.   Compared to last year, there were 16 more applicants but 125 more slots.  It is too soon to tell why, but this year’s numbers are encouraging.  More students matched this year, and 50% of those who matched were placed with their first choice.  For the BEA Internship Stimulus Grant, 81 applied and 32 were funded.  BEA has allocated $800,000 for each of the next three years to continue this program. On the 2013 Student Survey, 95% said they did not feel that they were ready for independent practice post-internship. APPIC supports keeping internship as part of the doctoral program in the G&P.  TEPP is ranked 16th out of 51 Psychology: Education journals. MyPsychTrack will be APPIC’s new tracking system for internship hours; it will feed right into the AAPI, and there will be NO cost to students or programs.  This new system will be ready by July.

  • APA Education Directorate Liaison, Cathi Grus, focused on the Blueprint for Health Service Psychology Education & Training, which she distributed to all at the meeting. This publication is not available online yet, but it will appear soon in the American Psychologist.   The Blueprint is not an “APA Product”.  Rather it is an interorganizational effort by APA, CCTC, and the Council of Chairs of Departments of Psychology).  It includes 7 “big picture” recommendations, and the Appendix includes a list of HSP competencies, which differ from general competencies benchmarks by virtue of greater emphasis on research training, technology, and biopsychosocial model.

  • Lettie Flores handed out petitions for a new APA Division, Society for Technology & Psychology.

  • Publications & Public Relations, Phyllis Terry Friedman:  Requested articles and photos. Noted that newsletter will come out twice per year.

  • Membership & Resources and Website/Listerv, Karen Saules: Reviewed dues cycle, TEPP cycle, website features, and listserv features accessible via gmail versus university accounts (gmail has more features in terms of interacting with listserv archives, etc.)

  • Treasurer’s Report, Bill Rae: Small loss in overall budget this year (presented overall numbers), but loss is OK, as we are not expected to be a profit center.  About half of our expenses go to the mid-year meeting, then the journal, and lesser amounts to things like APA meeting, liaison travel, website, bank fees, etc.

  • Diversity Committee, Lisa Groth & Erica Wise, on behalf of Randy Cox: Asked members to complete their survey to help Committee develop next steps in a way that would address APTC member needs.

  • New Director Support, Leticia Flores: Welcomed new members and encouraged them to email her if in need of mentorship.

  • Collaborations & Liaison, Tony Cellucci: Reported that Jen Schwartz attended BEA for us this year,  Mary Jo Coiro represented us at NCSPP, and Bob Hatcher was our liaison to CCTC. Colleen Byrne (APTC President) will take over as our CCTC Liaison this year.  At CCTC this year, the Blueprint and the BEA Statement on Accredited Internship Training were discussed.

  • TEPP Journal, Bob Hatcher:  Noted concerns about lack of APTC representation on the Editorial Board now that Bob’s term has expired.

  • Programs & Conferences, Karen Fondacaro & Mike Taylor.   Did straw poll of those in the room as to whether people would have been able to make the conference this year, with the travel costs/time that we estimated: 27 yes, 12 no.  Asked for input on theme and content of next year’s meeting.  Suggestions included Risk Management, the Future of Psychology, Impact of the Affordable Care Act on Psychology Training Clinics, more focus on assessment versus treatment, and more small groups to discuss day to day issues we face

  • Eric Sauer reported on efforts of Research Committee.  They are trying to figure out a common platform for the OQ, to make merging data easier.  Other outcome tracking options were discussed. It was noted that the OQ is not great for those with avoidant attachment or who do not acknowledge anxiety.  Natasha Maynard-Pemba noted that she uses a behavioral health measure, which she will send to Eric for review.

  • 12pm, Meeting Adjourned by Colleen Byrne.