1. Mary Alice Conroy:
Continuing Education Workshop: Ethical Issues in Forensic
Practice: Navigating the Latest Minefields. (Thursday,
8/4/11, 8-3:50, in Hyatt Regency - Columbia A.)
2. Poster Session: Peltan, J., Bonci, A,
& Cellucci, T.
Treatment Utilization and Help-Seeking Intentions among
Incarcerated Women and Bonci, A. , Peltan, & Cellucci,
T. Help-Seeking Intentions among Incarcerated
Women: It’s All about Barriers (Thursday 11am- 11:50).
3. Fichter, C., Osei, A., Norris, C.,
Albert, S., & Demaria, T.
(2011). "It Gets Better": Content and Efficacy of
Internet-Based Prevention in the Aftermath of Traumatic
Violence in the LGBT Community. Poster to be presented at
the Annual Convention of the American Psychological
Association, Washington, DC. (Thursday 12 – 12:50 p.m.,
Convention Center, Level Two, Halls D & E).
4. O’Halloran, M.S.,
Rizzolo, S., Samaniego-Muñoz,
K., Cohen, M.L., Breseke, S., Wacker, R. Assessing A Multi-Year Marriage Education
Program: Impact, Recommendations, and Program Implications.
Poster Thursday 1-1:50 Halls D & E Convention Ctr.
5. Einarsdóttir , R.H. O’Halloran, M.S.,
Walters, M. Wirta-Leiker, C. Tourette’s syndrome in the Family: The Parents’
Experience. Poster
Thursday 1-1:50 Halls D & E Convention Ctr.
6. Blake, B., Nadell, N., & Demaria, T.
(2011). Impact of Personal Eating Disorder History on the
Professional Development of Psychology Graduate Students.
Poster to be presented at the Annual Convention of the
American Psychological Association, Washington, DC.
(Thursday 2 – 2:50 p.m., Convention Center, Level Two, Halls
D & E)
7. Erica Wise
and Bob Hatcher, along with Cathi Grus, Lorraine
Mangione, and Luli Emmons are presenting the results of a
survey of practicum site coordinators: