APTC on Facebook

Phyllis Terry Friedman, Ph.D.


APTC has a Facebook page exclusively for members.  This is an opportunity to “socialize” with each other, sharing things we might talk about more informally over dinner or coffee, and adding another way to connect with members and stay connected throughout the year.  Below are FAQ s  regarding the uses and benefits of joining APTC on Facebook.


How is a member’s only Facebook page different from the listserv?

The listserv is generally used for business and professional discussions.  Facebook, on the other hand, is set up to be more social.  While you can post comments and resources about professional issues, Facebook is generally used to keep up with peoples’ social lives. 


Do members have to join?

Facebook is entirely voluntary.  It does not replace the listserv, so you can still connect with other directors via the listserv.


Can students or clients see what I write on the APTC Facebook page?

No.  Facebook allows a variety of privacy settings.  The APTC page is set so that anyone on Facebook can locate it, but only “friends” (people who have been accepted) can write on the page and see any of the comments, links or pictures that members post. 


What do you mean, “friends?”

Yes, this is often confusing because Facebook terms are different from normal usage, e.g., my son has 1371 “friends” on Facebook.  Friend, in this context, means members.  Members are people who are up-to-date with dues.


Do I stay a “friend” if I leave APTC?

No, since the page is for members only.  We will “de-friend” you, which, again, in Facebook lingo, means you would no longer be a member of the page and would no longer have access to it.  This is only based on whether you are a current member.  It’s not personal. 


How do I get on?

You have to set up a personal Facebook page (Facebook gives easy-to-follow instructions). You don't have to use it, you don't have to allow "friends," and you can set the privacy settings to indicate that no one searching for your name can even see that you have a Facebook page.  After you set up a page, search for Phyllis Terry and you’ll see this name with the APTC logo.  Click on the name and it will bring you to the page.  In the upper right is a box that says Add Friend.  Click on that and I will receive your request.  I'll check to make sure you're an active member, then confirm you and you will have access to the page.  


What kinds of things would people put on the page?

Things you might share with people at the Annual Meeting such as pictures of a recent trip, updates on your kids, movies you liked, vacations you’re planning, hobbies you’ve taken up, news about your photography exhibit. 

Do I have to? 
It really is voluntary.