President's Column:
Erica Wise, Ph.D.
Erica speaks to the challenges of ADPTC's growth on the national
scene while consolidating the work of individual clinic directors.
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Clinic Profile: The Counseling & Assessment Clinic
TEXAS A&M University-College Station
Bill Rae, Ph.D.
Read about Bill's unique, comprehensive, and interesting clinic. From
the fee scales, to salaries, to combinations of programs, you get flavor
and detail. And, reflections on fulfillment in training motivated young
aspiring psychologists.
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The Briar Patch: Thorny Challenges for Directors
"Bucking the Culture"
Vic Pantesco, Ph.D.
Sometimes the clinic director swims upstream in the culture of the
department or university. Two keys: detect the dynamic early, and
don't go it alone.
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Executive Committee Minutes: October 2007
Treasurer's report, committee activities and discussion about next
year's meeting.
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ADPTC at APA: San Francisco August 17-20, 2007
Symposium: A Social Justice Agenda for Practicum Training
in Training Clinics
Chair: Brian L. Lewis, Ph.D.
Brian organized and facilitated a symposium on social justice
interventions by the clinic. Five clinic directors joined him in
presenting their innovative programs making this dimension a core
focus within practicum training: Career Counseling; Low-fee
Psychological Assessments; Forensics Training targeting community
underserved population needs; Creating Positive Change in Low SES
Latino Families; and Serving the Urban Community.
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Midyear Meeting: San Antonio Jan 17-20, 2008
How can you pass up a joint meeting with our national partners and
the hospitality provided by our Texas hosts? If you are already
planning, check the menu! And if you are considering, check the
menu! If you definitely cannot make it, we can arrange take-out in a
future newsletter summarizing the meeting and featuring links to
presentations. You can also enjoy sites such as the Buckhorn Saloon &
Museum and Barney Smith's Toilet Seat Museum. (Yes, it's legit. And
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Educational Leadership Conference (2007)
Tony Cellucci
Tony attended the APA Educational Leadership Conference in
Washington, DC as ADPTC's representative. The theme for the
conference was "Sharing Psychology: Its Role in Education for Other
Professions". Participants discussed how education and research
efforts to solve real problems frequently cut across disciples.
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CCTC Practicum Workgroup
Bob Hatcher
The CCTC (Council of Chairs of Training Councils) chaired by Bob
Hatcher has produced two practicum-related documents. The first
document is a definition of practicum and the second is a set of
administrative recommendations for graduate programs in relation to
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