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   Newsletter, volume 9, Issue 2, 2007

Executive Committee Minutes

Since the Executive Committee did not meet at APA, a conference call meeting was substituted. These are the minutes from the conference call on 10/4/2007.

Attendees: Joe Scardapane, Erica Wise, Tony Cellucci, Karen Saules, Vic Pantesco, Eric Sauer, Rob Heffer & Colleen Byrne


Define ADPTC dues

Joe would like help managing the membership list. Currently, there are 91 full and 11 associate members who have paid dues for the last year. Joe mentioned that the process of collection dues and registration fees is a yearlong process. He notes the number of contacts with Clinic Directors and Universities is increasing and some universities even need W-9 forms. Further, he must pass along the dues-paid status to Karen who can ensure access to the website and the listserv. Difficulties have surfaced if he forgets to ask Karen to add a Director's access to the website or if he has incorrect contact information for a new or existing ADPTC member.

Eric asked how much time it takes Joe to process the collections. Joe indicated that it takes 2 full days.

To reduce delays, Tony proposed that persons be added to the listserv and website after they indicate intent to pay membership and then nonpaying persons can be purged from the website and listserv later. Rob mentioned that this process would require regular follow-up. Joe will work with Karen to determine who to purge.

Karen suggests that she and Joe go through the membership twice a year to make updates.

Karen indicated that ADPTC members can update their personal information themselves through the website.

Colleen volunteered to find current contact information for ADPTC members who have not updated their own.

Erica suggested that personal contacts with Directors who have not paid dues in some time could increase membership. Colleen will call members who have not paid dues.

Rob suggested that Colleen could send an email prompt asking members to update their personal information.

Erica asked about the possibility of having a shared membership document that was accessible by Executive Committee Board Members

Rob suggested that the ADPTC Secretary (Colleen) be keeper of the membership list; Joe can send her information on the dues-paid status of members.

Joe has proposed that ADPTC begin accepting credit card payment of dues and other fees. Erica agreed that accepting credit cards might increase the number of paid members. Joe will look into this taking credit cards.

Erica thanked Joe and Karen for all their hard work.

Set Mid-Year Meeting Registration Fee

Joe prefers that the payments be sent in advance of the conference.

Tony agreed that the San Antonio conference fees (approximately $15,000) seem reasonable and that we will need to charge more than past meetings to cover costs. Joe mentioned that we have a "captive audience" who truly values the conference. Erica stressed that it is important to market the many attractive aspects of the conference such as feed, receptions, and CE credits.

Rob will email a registration form to Joe for distribution. Rob will also call Karen White to get an updated conference agenda.

The group agreed that reasonable registration fees are $150 for early registration and $200 for late registration.

2009 Mid-Year Meeting

The group discussed the need to decide the location of the 2009 meeting sooner rather than later. Joe said he is willing to host the group in New York.

The group discussed the possibility of avoiding a joint meeting for 2009, since it is very likely that there will be a joint meeting in 2010.

volume 9, Issue 2 

President's Column
Clinic Profile
The Briar Patch
CCTC Practicum
Midyear Meeting

All Material
©2007 ADPTC
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