President's Column continued

membership, improve communication (e.g., through more membership publications), and develop a "Resource Library" for Clinic Directors. We are also looking into other benefits (e.g., reduced costs on assessment and office management products) that will make membership more attractive.

Current annual dues are $15 per Clinic. We are proposing an increase to $50, which will be voted on at  the Business Meeting. If you have thoughts or concerns about the proposed increase, but will not be attending this meeting, please let me know in advance.

CCTC and the Practicum Survey

As many of you know, one of my major interests this year has been working on a survey to be distributed to practicum training sites (including all of our Clinics) throughout the country. This is a CCTC initiative to help provide information to APA's Board of Educational Affairs on the current state (including challenges) of pre-internship training for doctoral-level psychologists. I think we have made an effective case for the argument that ADPTC has an important perspective on these concerns given the unique role of the Clinic Director within most academic programs. I have been asked to attend a meeting at APA on August 11th (at their expense, of course) to finalize the survey in coordination with two parallel forms being developed by Nadine Kaslow for APPIC and Directors of Training. I will have a copy available for your perusal in Boston. CCTC will be meeting the day after our Business Meeting to finalize the surveys, which will be mailed in early Fall.

A Special Thanks to Don Nicholas

I would like to give a special thanks to Don Nicholas, who will be stepping down from his role as ADPTC's Secretary/Treasurer in August. Don has worked for ADPTC in this role for more years than I have been a member and has kept track of our membership, coordinated mailings, monitored finances, and basically run most of the behind-the-scenes operation. Don will be missed in this role, but hopefully will continue to be involved in the Association as a member of our Advisory Board.

See You in Boston

Remember, we will offer a  full day workshop for Clinic Directors on Thursday, August 19th (see Bobbi Vollmer's column).  Our Annual Business Meeting will take place 12:00-1:50 PM  on Saturday, August 21st  (see  Bob Hatcher's column).  I hope to see you in Boston.

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