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   Newsletter, volume 10, Issue 2, 2008

New Website & Online ADPTC Payments

Karen Saules

Coming soon!

    ADPTC annual dues and conference registration fees will soon be payable through our website. This means real time access to information about your membership status. Many of you have experienced the situation where you did all that was required to pay your dues, only to find out that we never got your check from your University.  Those days will soon be mercifully behind us! 

    We hope that the new site will be accessible to you by the time you are reading this, but more specific updates will be provided on the listserv as things develop. The overall look and feel of the site will not be dramatically different, but the “behind the scenes” logistics are greatly improved. The new website will allow for easier updating of your personal information and more flexibility for me to upload documents and re-organize how material is presented. 

    Currently, the main Members page is blank, but we are considering using that space to post links to the five most recently uploaded documents. Because we’ve uploaded lots of new material, I encourage you to browse around while we are working on making that spot more informative. Suggestions for use of that space are welcome. Likewise, any other comments or suggestions about how to better organize the site are welcome wholeheartedly. Now that it is easier to address problems, making adjustments should be a breeze. So, please consider the new site a work in progress, and offer up ideas as they come to you.

volume 10, Issue 2 

President's Column
Clinic Profiles
The Briar Patch
Liaison Report
Annual Meeting
New Website
Training Program

All Material
©2008 ADPTC
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