Secretary/Treasurer, and Member-At-Large. Bob Hatcher, commented, "I can tell you personally, and also report from previous officers' comments, serving on the Executive Committee is very rewarding, with opportunities to participate on the national scene (e.g., at the meetings of the APA's Council of Chairs of Training Councils)." If you are interested in nominating yourself or you would like to nominate someone else for these positions, please e-mail our Secretary/Treasurer, Tony Cellucci at cellanth@isu.edu.
According to the recently revised By Laws: "Section 2: Nomination and Election Procedures. The Executive Committee is responsible for maintaining a nomination procedure that is disseminated to membership by May 1st of a given year. Nominated individuals must be notified of their nomination and agree to attend annual conferences and mid-year meetings during their proposed term of office (i.e., two years for Secretary-Treasurer and Member-at-Large, six years for President, inclusive of terms as President-Elect and Past President). The Executive Committee is responsible for maintaining an election nomination procedure that is disseminated to membership. A simple majority of all votes cast by July 1st of a given year will determine election to each of the four positions receiving nominations. Elected individuals will assume their responsibilities at the business meeting held at the annual ADPTC conference, typically held in mid-August."
Also from the By Laws: "Section 3: Executive Committee Responsibilities. The Executive Committee is jointly responsible for overseeing all ADPTC activities and obligations. The Executive Committee, through consensus, distributes specific responsibilities among its officers on a year-to- year basis."
As many of you know, Brian Lewis, Director of the Antioch Psychological Services Center at Antioch New England Graduate School has accepted a new position as Head of the Psychology Department at Pitt County Memorial Hospital (teaching hospital for the East Carolina School of Medicine) in Greenville, North Carolina. In March 2000, therefore, Brian resigned his position on the ADPTC Executive Board as Past President.
Brian has been a major force in the recent history of the ADPTC, lifting the organization to a position of influence at the national level as representatives of practicum training, and helping ADPTC revise and revitalize its internal organization. Bob Hatcher, in particular, recognized Brian's invaluable contributions, and noted that we all will miss Brian's creativity and wise counsel. Bob also correctly observed that Brian has been a delightful colleague and friend to many of us in ADPTC.
Brian intends to continue to emphasize training issues since his new job responsibilities include establishing an APA-approved internship program. We wish him all the best, and hope to keep in touch in the coming years. Thanks Brian!
In May-July 2001, ADPTC will conduct elections for President-Elect,