A "Golden Opportunity" for Leadership
Brian's departure from the ADPTC Executive Board creates a "golden opportunity" for some ADPTC member who is looking for a leadership outlet. According to the recently revised By Laws: "Section 2: Nomination and Election Procedures. The Executive Committee is responsible for maintaining a nomination procedure that is disseminated to membership by May 1st of a given year. Nominated individuals must be notified of their nomination and agree to attend annual conferences and mid-year meetings during their proposed term of office (i.e., two years for Secretary-Treasurer and Member-at-Large, six years for President, inclusive of terms as President-Elect and Past President). The Executive Committee is responsible for maintaining an election nomination procedure that is disseminated to membership. A simple majority of all votes cast by July 1st of a given year will determine election to each of the four positions receiving nominations. Elected individuals will assume their responsibilities at the business meeting held at the annual ADPTC conference, typically held in mid-August."
"If a President-Elect or Past President resigns or is incapacitated, the other Executive Committee officers will, by simple majority vote, elect a successor from the Executive Committee to serve the remainder of the departing officer's term. If a President, Secretary- Treasurer, or Member-at-Large officer resigns or is incapacitated, the other Executive Committee officers will, by simple majority vote, elect a successor to serve until the next annual nomination period, when nomination and election procedures provide an avenue to fill the position for a 2-year term."
In addition to considering current Executive Committee members, the Executive Committee is soliciting self-nominations from ADPTC members who would be willing to be appointed as "Past President." That person would serve in this role until August 2003 to complete Brian's term.
Also from the By Laws: "Section 3: Executive Committee Responsibilities. The Executive Committee is jointly responsible for overseeing all ADPTC activities and obligations. The Executive Committee, through consensus, distributes specific responsibilities among its officers on a year-to- year basis."
Because no specific responsibilities are articulated for the Past President in the By Laws, Bob Hatcher as President would take the lead in articulating to candidates how best to define roles and responsibilities. Other than the oddity of having a Past President who actually had not yet been President, this procedure complies with the By Laws. The Executive Committee also could create a task force consisting of one person who would chair the task force and who would fulfill the responsibilities Bob relied on Brian to fulfill. Please contact Bob Hatcher (734-764-4371; robhatch@umich.edu) if you are interested in the possibility of self-nominating for this position.